Thursday, September 10, 2009

Word Vomit

I love talking. I like stimulating conversation about important topics. I also like gossiping about totally unimportant things. Talking is really great. But what happens when you spend all day with a baby and don't talk to adults? You go crazy. And then when you get a chance to talk to your husband, you talk so fast your lips may fall off. You recount really meaningless things that you would not have otherwise shared with anyone ("the checker at the grocery store today seemed unhappy to take my coupons"). If it stopped with your husband, it would probably be ok. He would understand that you were crazy from lack of adult conversations and would listen to you even if you talked incessantly about ultimately boring things.

But it doesn't end there, does it? I go to the midwife, and I jabber. I see my mom, and I jabber. I get together with a friend, someone at church, someone in the store, anyone!, and I spew words. I can't even help it. And I know it's happening, but I'm powerless to stop it. It's embarrassing really. I mean come on Harmon, is it too much to ask for you to carry on meaningful conversations while playing with blocks? Seriously.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

You can jabber with me and I'll love it!