Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Jerky Pregnancy Post

*I want to preface this post by saying it's jerky to even write it at all. I am keenly aware that there are many ladies who desperately would love to be pregnant, and to endure happily all that goes with it. So please know that despite everything I am about to write, I am grateful for the opportunity to have kids.


I hate being pregnant. And that is not just the end of pregnancy talking. Growing children seems to be the most annoying thing in the whole world to me. And I am pretty sure I have relatively easy uneventful pregnancies (or everyone is better at complaining? I doubt it.) Also, I am aware that I chose to do it twice within a very short period. I take full responsibility for that!

Just a few things I really hate about being pregnant:
-extreme tiredness
-not being able to sleep
-not being able to get out of bed in a timely fashion due to immense girth
-shoulders falling asleep during the night due to extra body weight pushing on them
-hating food
-not being able to bend
-ugly clothes
-getting fat
-never sleeping more than an hour at a time
-back & hip pain
-squashed stomach
-hating good smells like chocolate chips
-running into everything
-taking an hour to turn over in bed
-did I mention the extreme tiredness?

This list seems to wussy. I swear it's way worse than that.

If you haven't stopped reading I need to add this final and extremely important point: although I hate growing humans, I LOVE when they are on the outside. Harmon has been such an amazing delight to me and I can only imagine how much more happiness (and chaos) will be added in just a few days with the birth of baby nina.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

If you didn't hate all of that, you wouldn't be normal. And I love how normal you are. :-D