Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Pregnancy Whining

(Don't read this if you like being pregnant.  Or if you want to be pregnant or are having a hard time getting pregnant.  I know that lots of people get angry/sad at posts like this which is totally legitimate.  But sometimes a giant lady just has to vent.)

The third trimester of this pregnancy is easier than the other two.  It still is awful.  I remember thinking during the first trimester that I would much rather be 8 months pregnant than as sick as I was, and although I stand by that, it is hard to be a giant whale.

Things I hate:
-Climbing stairs.
-Bending (or lack thereof).
-Attempting to sleep.
-Being really hungry but having a tiny squashed stomach.
-Not being able to breathe due to squashed lungs.
-Braxton Hicks 22.5/7
-At 35 1/2 weeks being only 5 lbs away from the weight at which I delivered my giant 10lb 12oz boy two weeks late.
-Tiniest bladder ever.
-Lifting anything.
-Moving my body in any way.

I better stop because this list could go on forever.  It doesn't help that tomorrow I will be one month away from my due date.  Still one entire month.  And that I usually deliver a week or two late.  People, that's a month and a half and I can hardly manage the situation going on now.  And don't get me started on how cranky I am.  Life is so rough that I can't even think up a good Halloween costume.  That is pretty rough.

Ok, end of whining.  For now.


Sarah said...

I had a friend who went as a pregnant nun. Sorry you're having such a hard time! Love you.

Casey said...

Oh I hear you. And in some sick way, it makes me feel better that someone feels the same way as I do. :)